Saturday, February 14, 2009


Well the first module is coming to a close already so we have exams coming up on Monday and Tuesday. This marks the end to our courses in Barley, Hops, Malting Technology and Energy and Utilities. Needless to say some people are getting a little... excited about the whole thing. One way or another it will all be over by Tuesday afternoon. After the dust settles I will hopefully pull together the rest of the pictures and finish my posts on our practical work in malting, chemical and technical analysis of malt and a speaker who talked about technical operations.

The next module will bring new courses in Brewing Technology and Sensory Analysis/Tastings as well as continuing our Plant Equipment class with a shift from malting plants to the brewhouse. Additionally there are going to be several special seminars and lectures throughout the module though I am not sure what the topics are going to be. I know that one seminar is going to be on US hops to prepare the class for the practical work in brewing in which we will be brewing our IPAs.

In any case, if you are one of my classmates reading this (do any of you read this?) why don't you take a study break and crack open a beer. To everyone else, why don't you take a break from... something. Cheers!

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